I love Wednesdays. I drop Gabe off at his classes, and Annika and I work on her school work. Then we have a few hours in the afternoon free before we have to get Gabe. Yesterday we decided the November sun was too amazing to ignore, so after we finished our book work, we went down to the beach to do some bird watching.

The wind was brisk so we bundled up. We saw western grebes, various gulls and cormorants, and many little birds (and big) that I couldn’t identify. I really need to learn how to tell gulls apart. We started at Brackett’s Landing, then went down to Olympic Beach and the fishing pier.

The tide was up, and there was very little beach to walk on. But Annika still managed to get her boots full of water.
From the pier we saw 2 or 3 seals. One little guy came right underneath us and lolled around.

We were able to identify several Bonaparte’s gulls, which were a first for me.

I really enjoyed spending a few hours outside with my daughter. I felt relaxed and appreciated the little break from hitting the books. I love Wednesdays!
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